Deadline: 10 of September 2017.
1.1. The third open All-Russian poster contest "Russia. The third way "is held with the participation of the Union of Artists of Russia, the Tula Regional Branch of the Union of Artists of Russia, the Union of Designers of Russia, ANO" Third Way ", OOO" Positive ".
1.2. The competition is supported by the Ministry of Culture of Russia, the Russian Historical Society, Rosvoentcenter under the Government of Russia, the Government of the Tula Region, GTRK "Tula".
2.1. The main goal of the 2017 project is to attract attention to the province, the importance of a small homeland, its popularization and support.
2.2. The motto of the 2017 project "What the Motherland Begins" calls for the establishment of traditional spiritual and cultural values, for the return of moral truths, to historical roots.
2.3. Foreign guests of the third open competition of the poster are invited to reflect the features of their own states and lands. We welcome the display of the multifaceted community of different peoples, each of which is distinguished by its unique and unique individuality, connected by centuries of history.
2.4. Popularization of knowledge about the history of their land, unique places, significant events and worthy fellow-countrymen. Formation of a civil-patriotic position, pride for one's country and responsibility for the fate of the Fatherland.
2.5. Generation of new ideas, socio-psychological attitudes toward creative progress. Formation of a positive outlook on the future of their homeland.
2.6. Bringing the attention of a broad audience to unifying national-patriotic ideas and positive symbols of the country.
2.7. The maximum expansion of the circle of project participants, the activation of the civic stand of the creative intelligentsia and youth.
3.1. Embodiment in symbolic, generalized images of socially important actual ideas and goals, their popularization and support. Search for creative solutions embodied in visual images in the poster genre, suitable for reproduction in a mass circulation.
3.2. Stimulation of the creative process, awareness of its relevance in society. Identification, support and encouragement of talented poster artists, masters of fine art.
3.3. Collegial discussion, the definition of works worthy of encouragement and reproduction in mass circulation, the maximum possible distribution of the best works in printed form.
4.1. We offer the widest range of topics about a particular region, not only about its cultural and historical heritage and achievements, but also, first of all, about today's problems, features, ideas about the future of its small homeland.
Symbols of cities and regions.
Selu - a decent life.
Heroes are among us.
From consumption to creation.
Old people and children are our past and future.
The era of change (to the 100th anniversary of the revolutions of 1917 in Russia).
She is a Russian province.
"The Russian power to grow will be Siberia and the North Ocean" MV Lomonosov.
4.2. Topics for foreign participants (optional).
Together - the key to solving all problems.
"Respect the thoughts and feelings of his brothers' DS Likhachev.
Dialogue of cultures as comprehension of the world.
For the purity of nature and the city.
4.3. The content of posters on the authors' own initiative can be expanded within the proposed main themes, as well as devoted to the anniversary dates of 2017-2018. The project site hosts thematic materials to help artists.
5.1. Participation in the competition can be accepted both by professionals of fine arts, and any interested persons, regardless of age, profession and nationality and place of residence.
The number of works submitted by one author is unlimited.
5.2. It is possible to participate in the course and diploma work of students of art, graphic and design faculties and departments of secondary and higher educational institutions.
5.3. Particular attention is drawn to children's creativity, its spontaneity and freshness of the perception of the world.
5.4. Accepted as individual and collective authorship, with mandatory indication of the person responsible for group participation in the action.
5.5. Each work submitted to the competition and pre-qualified is registered and receives an identification code to ensure the anonymity and objectivity of the evaluation of the work by the members of the professional jury.
5.7. Participation in the competition is free.
6.1. The general management of the competition is carried out by the organizing committee, formed from authoritative figures of culture, historical science, representatives of the clergy, creative unions, administrations of the participating regions.
The chairman of the organizing committee of the competition is Gritsenko V. P. - the director of the State military-historical and natural museum-reserve "Kulikovo field", laureate of the State premium of the Russian Federation.
6.2. To evaluate the competition, the organizing committee forms a professional jury, determines the composition of the selection committee from the authorized representatives of the creative unions of the most active regions, clarifies the evaluation criteria, the algorithm for coordinating the decisions of the jury members, organizes a public discussion of the works, sums up the competition.
6.3. Composition of the jury of the Third open All-Russian poster competition "Russia. The Third Way »2017
Dimitris Juris - Latvia, Riga.
Member of the Latvian Artists' Union, Honored Art Worker of the Latvian SSR, holder of honorary diplomas of the Union of Artists of the USSR, laureate of the International Poster Biennial Prize, International Poster Exhibition in Colorado (USA). Zaynetdinov Kamil - Russia, Moscow. Chairman of the Board of the poster section of the regional public organization "Moscow Union of Artists", winner and winner of many domestic and foreign exhibitions and competitions of graphic design and poster. Faldin Alexander - Russia, St. Petersburg. Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, a member of the Union of Artists of Russia, a member of the St. Petersburg Union of Designers, an academician of the Academy of Graphic Design, winner and winner of many domestic and foreign exhibitions and competitions of graphic design and poster. Tsesler Vladimir - Belarus, Minsk. Member of the Belarusian Union of Designers, member of the Belarusian Union of Artists, winner and winner of many domestic and foreign exhibitions and competitions of graphic design and poster (more than 30 awards of international competitions and biennale).
Chaika Vladimir - Russia, Moscow.
Academician of the Academy of Graphic Design. Member of the Union of Artists of Russia, the Union of Designers of Russia, international associations of AGI, "Brno Biennale". Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of literature and art. Winner of many domestic and foreign exhibitions and competitions of graphic design and poster.
6.4. The works received for the contest are considered in two stages. The first stage is to assess the selection committee of the posters that make up the final exhibition to meet the stated criteria. The second stage is to determine the winners by the jury members. The work of the selection committee and the jury can take place in absentia. The Organizing Committee sums up the voting results of the first stage, approves the results of the jury's work, determines the amount of the prize fund, announces the names of the winners.
6.5. Prize winners receive a diploma of the laureate. In addition to laureates, the jury determines the winners of the competition for the high quality of the works presented. The participants of the final exhibition of the project receive certificates from the contest participants. To encourage the winners of the competition, the Organizing Committee can establish special awards and diplomas.
6.6. Children's works are evaluated as a separate nomination.
6.7. Based on the results of the project, universities, colleges, children's educational institutions and their teachers, organizers of collective participation in the contest, are given Diplomas and Gratuities of the organizing committee.
7.1. The works submitted for the competition must be performed no earlier than 2011, not to participate in previous projects and meet the following requirements: communication with the stated subject matter, artistic expressiveness, originality, style integrity, compositional completeness.
7.2. To participate in the competition are accepted works performed in any technique in a digitized (retransmitted, scanned) form or directly by computer means.
7.3. Poster formats should be at least 70 cm and not more than 120 cm on the larger side. The proportions of the parties: 2/3, 3/4. For digitized mockups, the resolution is 200 dpi in a 1: 1 scale in the CMYK format.
7.4. For pre-selection, poster reproductions are accepted by e-mail , A4 format files in RGB, jpg with a resolution of 200 dpi, compression - Quality 7. The file is named in Latin letters by author and city name, with the serial number in the case of submission Several works without a space (for example: ivanov_moskva01). The letter is accompanied by information of the authors in English (or Russian) language in Microsoft Word format, indicating the name, year of birth of the author / authors, e-mail, phone, detailed address, filenames, names and year of the poster creation. Without the accompanying information, posters are not accepted. Confirmation of receipt of works for pre-selection can be obtained at In the "Poster Competition" section after the placement of the reproduction. You can accept sketches by ordinary mail. The date on the postmark when sending will be considered the date of filing the application.
7.5. Each poster is assigned an identification code (a letter and two digits) in order of receipt of work for further anonymous evaluation during voting. The received preliminary images of posters are placed on the site of the project under the heading "Posters sent to the competition".
7.6. The Organizing Committee has the right to give recommendations to the authors on the completion of the works provided and not to engage in controversy over their discussion.
7.7. Authors of the selected posters are notified about the acceptance of works for the exhibition at the final exhibition. The originals are accepted in electronic form in full format (item 7. 3.) with a resolution of 200 dpi for further printing at the expense of the organizers of the exhibition. The file is uploaded to the file sharing service, the link to which is sent to the address of the Organizing Committee of the contest .
7.8. Posters that incite interethnic discord, containing calls for violence, extremism and terrorism, racial and religious hatred, propaganda of drugs and non-traditional orientation, elements of pornography are not accepted or reviewed.
8.1. Reception of posters and their placement on the project site - from March 15, 2017 to September 10, 2017.
8.2. The Organizing Committee periodically makes decisions on the removal of publications on the website of posters that do not meet the conditions of the competition.
8.3. Before the jury starts working on the project website a public vote is conducted.
8.4. The decision of the selection committee of the first stage on the works admitted for participation in the competition is taken within a week after completion of the work acceptance and is reflected on the project site. The authors will be notified about the deadlines for receiving the originals of posters (approximately 10 days), which have passed the preliminary selection, both personally and through the project site.
8.5. Within 10 days the final exhibition list of the selected posters is formed, and the jury determines the winners of the competition.
8.6. After summing up the results of the competition, the Organizing Committee carries out work on preparation for holding an exhibition, printing posters, advertising and information support. The first exposition opens in Tula, where the winners will be announced and their awards will be held.
8.7. To show the exhibition in the participating cities of the project, a preliminary application to the Organizing Committee is made with an indicative indication of the time, number of posters, terms of delivery and placement.
8.8. You can order the production of all or part of the poster collection for subsequent display.
9.1. Participation of the authors of works in the project is an automatic confirmation of their consent to the conditions of participation, for the further reproduction of posters in a mass circulation in landscape, booklet, postcard and other printing and Internet products produced within the framework of this project.
9. 2 . After the end of the exhibition, the works submitted for the competition form an exhibition fund for retrospective expositions. The results of the contest and the work of the winners are published in the media and on the project website.
9. 3 . The Organizing Committee reserves the right to use all the materials sent to advertise the project. Exhibitors are entitled to use the official symbolism of the project for their own advertising purposes.
9.4. The authors of posters included in the final exhibition are given the right to indicate their participation in this project in further public displays of works. The Organizing Committee announces on the site about the participation of the posters of the project in other opening days and competitions for the provision of such information by the authors.
9.5. The property rights of authors for the subsequent re-issue of posters are completely preserved with the possible conclusion of individual copyright agreements.
9.6. The applicant is responsible for the authorship of the samples submitted.
9.7. In the event of claims for works participating in the tender from third parties (co-authors, customers, etc.), the entire responsibility is borne by the applicant. He also enters into arbitration disputes and litigation. In case of justified claims, the Organizing Committee shall cover them in the mass media.
10.1. Creation and promotion in the networks of the site "The Third Way"; Publication of competitive materials in the media; The involvement of cultural departments, media committees of regional administrations - participants in the action; Holding press conferences, meetings with interested parties and possible partners.
10.2. Informational support for the project is provided by the Ministry for Informatization, Communication and Issues of Open Management of the Tula Region, GTRK "Tula".
11.1. The prize fund, payment of organizational costs associated with the project, is formed through charity, sponsorship, participation in federal and regional programs, as well as the funds of ANO "Third Way", LLC "Positive".
11.2. Registration of visas, travel and accommodation of exhibitors is carried out at the expense of sending organizations and the project participants themselves. You can help with booking a stay in Tula.
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